Look from your door, and tell me now
The colour of the sea
Where can I buy that wondrous dye
And take it home with me?
~Bliss Carman
We are a covenanted neighborhood located just west of Hwy 79 in Panama City Beach.
We have an elected Board of Directors to manage and maintain a clean and safe environment.
You may contact us at our mailing address:
99 Summer Breeze Rd; or by phone during regular business hours of 8 am to 5 pm Mon thru Thursday with only emergency calls accepted after hours and on weekends.
For approval to make changes or additions to your home, you may download the required ACC Approval Form by clicking on Committees and which will also give you access to the ACC members listed with their contact information. The completed form should be sent to the committee via email for quickest action.
For estoppel requests, paying HOA dues or questions about your account you may contact:
Pat Martinez, Treasurer at her email address:
Pemmartinez@yahoo.com or mail your request to:
Pat Martinez
99 Summer Breeze Rd.
Panama City Beach, FL 32413
For general questions about our community you may contact us at our email address:
mollysummerbreeze@gmail.com or call 850-867-5204
Summer Breeze Homeowners' Association
99 Summer Breeze Rd
Panama City Beach, FL 32413